Orphans in Need is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of user information collected through our website (web address). This policy outlines how we handle your personal information to protect your privacy.
Orphans in Need will keep all personal information collected from our website strictly confidential. This information will not be shared with any external agencies or individuals. However, we will keep users informed about our activities and developments through bulletins and newsletters, with an option to unsubscribe from such communications.
To process donations and ensure genuine contributions, Orphans in Need requires the submission of certain personal information:
You will be asked to provide personal information when making donations, purchasing items from our online Gift Shop, requesting communications, applying for a job, or engaging in other business with Orphans in Need (whether via the website, email, direct mail, or telephone).
All relevant information collected through our website is handled and used by authorized officials within Orphans in Need. General browsing of our website is anonymous, and we do not register personal information except for the time, date, and place of visits, and the name of the internet service provider. This information is not shared with external agencies.
Orphans in Need employs a layered security system to protect your information, and only designated employees have access to hard copies of personal data. We will not intentionally share your email addresses, phone numbers, or financial information.
However, Orphans in Need is not liable for any loss, damage, or harm caused to users as a result of misuse of personal information by a third party, tracked through a linked site, or otherwise, who is not an employee of Orphans in Need.
Orphans in Need reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this privacy policy at any time. All content published on our website, including graphics, write-ups, logos, pictures, images, and software, is the property of Orphans in Need and its partners or associates and is protected by law. Users must seek formal permission before using any of this information, and misuse will result in liability.
Personal information will be shared internally at Orphans in Need to complete donations or purchase transactions, contact you about our ongoing work, discuss employment opportunities, and inform you of ways to support our mission. Your personal information will also be used to provide you access to personalised sections of our website.
Orphans in Need is dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring your personal information is handled securely and responsibly.